The Annual Disabled Student Survey

🚨 The 2024 survey is now open – fill it in here

About the survey

The Annual Disabled Student Survey has been created by disabled students to improve the situation for disabled students. Your contribution will allow us to paint a picture of accessibility within each UK university, enabling prospective students to make informed choices, and enabling universities to make informed improvements. Not only will your voice be heard but you have the opportunity to ensure that the next generation of disabled students have better access to education. 

To view the results of the 2023 survey, visit our Explore page.

Survey participation criteria
To participate in the annual disabled student survey you do not need to have a diagnosis or have told your university that you have a disability. You simply need to: 

  • Have been a Higher Education student (PhD students included) at some point in the last year.
  • Identify as being disabled* or be recognised as disabled under the 2010 Equality Act.

*Disabilities include long term conditions such as chronic illnesses, mental health conditions and neurodiversity. To have a disability is to have a long term “difference” or “impairment” which (in your social context) has a substantial effect on your ability to do normal every-day activities like reading large amounts of text, concentrating, socialising, taking notes, or doing the dishes.

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